Services Provided

  • Wellness
  • Physical Examinations
  • All Life Stages Care
  • Microchips
  • Health Certificates/CVIs
  • Vaccinations (species specific)
  • Parasite Prevention (species specific)
  • Environment/Enclosure Consultation
  • Gender Identification
  • Behavior Medicine
  • Grooming
    • Hoof Trims/Reshaping
    • Nail Trims
    • Beak Trims
    • Wing Trims
    • Tusk Trims
  • Laboratory Services
  • Bloodwork
  • Fecal Examinations
  • Infectious Disease Testing
  • Imaging/Radiology
  • Surgery
    • Dependent upon where Dr. Merkwan is located during the week.
  • Dentistry
    • Dependent upon where Dr. Merkwan is located during the week.
  • Emergency Care
    • Unfortunately, if Dr. Merkwan is on a house call or ambulatory visit, he is unable to provide emergency services.